New Arrivals – Summer 2020

Chang Keung Ryong
Ambassador of Korea

DIPLOMAT 2020 08 01 0092Ambassador Chang comes to diplomacy from academia — and this is not his first stint in Canada. He studied political science and diplomacy at Kyunghee University in Seoul and then did a master’s in international relations at Fairleigh Dickinson University in New Jersey before coming to McGill University in Montreal to complete a PhD in political science, which he did in 1996.
He went to work as an assistant professor at Kwangju Women’s University in Gwangju, later being promoted to associate professor. He was a visiting professor at McGill for four months between 2014 and 2015 and then returned to Gwangju. Between October 2019 and June 2020, he was chairman of the International Co-operation Standing Committee of the 19th National Unifications Advisory Council.
The ambassador has a presidential citation from 2001 and is married with two sons.

Rema Jamous Imseis
Representative of the UNHCR

DIPLOMAT 2020 08 01 0093Representative Jamous is a lifelong advocate for refugees. She joined the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) in 2017 and served most recently as deputy director for the Middle East and North Africa bureau, where she covered UNHCR operations in North Africa, including Libya, as well as Yemen, the Gulf countries and Israel.
Since joining the United Nations in 2003, she has held numerous international assignments in the areas of political, legal and humanitarian affairs. She served as head of the United Nations regional office for the co-ordination of humanitarian affairs in Cairo, and as special assistant to the United Nations special co-ordinator for the Middle East Peace Process in Jerusalem.

Kallayana Vipattipumiprates
Ambassador-designate of Thailand

DIPLOMAT 2020 08 01 0094Ambassador Vipattipumiprates was Thailand’s ambassador to Iran for three years before coming to Ottawa and prior to that, he was the ambassador to Libya for two years.
He joined the foreign ministry in 1988 as an attaché in the press division and then moved up through the ranks, reaching the position of second secretary in 1992 while he was posted to the embassy in Britain. He returned to headquarters and became first secretary in the public affairs division and then in the secretariat to the department of information. In 2000, he was sent to Myanmar as first secretary and was promoted to minister-counsellor during his time there. He returned as minister-counsellor in the department of East Asian Affairs and then became director of the same department. He then returned to Myanmar before being named minister. He returned to headquarters as deputy-director of consular affairs and was then transferred to the secretariat of the prime minister for a year.
The ambassador has several awards from the government of Thailand.

Pham Cao Phong
Ambassador of Vietnam

DIPLOMAT 2020 08 01 0095Ambassador Pham is a career diplomat. He joined the foreign ministry in 1990 and has since been assigned to different postings at headquarters, including director-general of the department of external cultural and UNESCO affairs, secretary-general of the National Commission for UNESCO Affairs, chief of staff and secretary to the foreign minister. He also held various positions, including deputy director-general, head of chancery and head of Northeast Asia studies division at the Institute of International Relations.
He was ambassador to Malaysia between 2014 and 2017 and consul-general in Hong Kong between 2008 and 2011. After his posting in Malaysia, he became deputy secretary-general of the Communist Party of Vietnam’s committee of the Overseas.
He holds a master’s in international policy from George Washington University. He is married and has two children.


Non-heads of mission

Dominican Republic
Carolyn Eliza Adames Vasquez
Second secretary

Eitan Na’eh
Chargé d’affaires

Aya Okada
Second counsellor

Augusto Humberto Mannucci Zapata
Assistant defence and naval attaché

Vargas Blacido, Victor Alfredo
Assistant defence and air attaché