This millennium’s major innovations

This is an artist's rendition of the Sycamore processor. Google says the Sycamore was able to do a mathematical calculation in three minutes and 20 seconds. The company claims it would have taken existing supercomputers 10,000 years to complete the same calculation. (Photo: Forest Stearns, Google AI Quantum Artist in Residence)
This is an artist’s rendition of the Sycamore processor. Google says the Sycamore was able to do a mathematical calculation in three minutes and 20 seconds. The company claims it would have taken existing supercomputers 10,000 years to complete the same calculation. (Photo: Forest Stearns, Google AI Quantum Artist in Residence)

Looking past 2020’s annus horribilis, Wolfgang Depner presents the 21st Century’s Top-10 major innovations and technologies.

When 2020 dawned, various media organizations whetted the appetites of their readers with lists of things to come, ranging from major sporting events and the release of new movies and musicals to pending breakthroughs in medicine and transportation. As we all know, COVID-19 has, and continues to, upend our lives in ways no one could have imagined in late 2019. But if last year forced the world and its institutions to see everything through the narrow tunnel of the pandemic, the first year of the third decade of the 21st Century may also be a moment to look back at the broader trendlines of the past two decades. This list attempts to showcase some of the major innovations and technologies whose antecedents lie in the recent past, but which will continue to shape our lives in the coming decades. The list does not claim to be comprehensive and appears admittedly heavy on scientific and technological advances, but deliberately light on gadgets.

Rather, it looks for broad developments that may not always immediately impact our day-to-day lives, but may nonetheless represent inflection points in humanity’s course and its relationship with itself and the world it inhabits, both on small and large scales.

1. Genome editing
Jennifer Doudna was asleep when the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences initially called to tell her she and her colleague, Emmanuelle Charpentier, had won the 2020 Nobel Prize for Chemistry. Several missed calls later, she heard of her award through a reporter from Nature. “She wanted to know if I could comment on the Nobel and I said, ‘Well, who won it?’ And she was shocked that she was the person to tell me,” Doudna told Science magazine.
The news equally befuddled Charpentier. She told Science: “I was told a number of times that when it happens, you are very surprised and feel that it’s not real.”

Jennifer Doudna, pictured here, and Emmanuelle Charpentier won the 2020 Nobel Prize for chemistry for their work in genome editing. (Photo: Jussi Puikkonen/KNAW)
Jennifer Doudna, pictured here, and Emmanuelle Charpentier won the 2020 Nobel Prize for chemistry for their work in genome editing. (Photo: Jussi Puikkonen/KNAW)

Any level of astonishment appears more than appropriate when considering the scientific, commercial and philosophical significance of their 2012 discovery that an obscure immunological mechanism used by bacteria to defend themselves against viruses can be used like “scissors” to “cut and paste” human and non-human genetic material with extreme levels of precision.
Thanks to CRISPR/Cas9, scientists can now change the very code of life with economy and efficiency, opening unprecedented opportunities in medicine, agriculture and life sciences. Researchers are speaking of curing such diseases as Alzheimer’s while improving the yield and resiliency of food crops in the face of population growth and climate change.
True, experts have lauded the promises of genetic engineering for decades. Yes, the use of CRISPR/Cas9 remains in its infancy and its use by now-imprisoned Chinese scientists to edit the genes of three babies has only confirmed the often-heard complaint that human morality lags behind technology. But if these concerns are well-founded, they do not inherently diminish the duo’s discovery. It is not only historic in the sense that Doudna and Charpentier are the first two women to jointly win a Nobel science prize on their own. It is also historic in the sense that it democratizes a technique. It is perhaps its mass availability and applicability that makes it such a turning point.
“We can improve the world around us in extraordinary ways,” said Fyodor Urnov, one of Doudna’s fellow CRISPR researchers, in Science.
“The 21st Century will be the age of CRISPR — thanks to [Doudna and Charpentier.]”


Two COVID-19 vaccines hit the market in December 2020, ending the year on a note of optimism. (Photo: © Siam Pukkato |
Two COVID-19 vaccines hit the market in December 2020, ending the year on a note of optimism. (Photo: © Siam Pukkato |

It was a moment fit for a king. Minutes before swinging his hips and snarling his lips for a national television audience during The Ed Sullivan Show on Oct. 28, 1956, Elvis Presley rolled up his sleeve to receive a shot of the polio vaccine, which had entered widespread use in North America in April 1955, following its development by Jonas Salk in 1953.
The point of this messaging campaign was more than skin-deep. While millions of young children had already received the vaccine, many teenagers (along with adults) were acting like rebels without a clue in failing to seek immunization. Presley’s publicity on behalf of public health produced its desired effect. People followed his lead and, coupled with other measures, this reduced the annual incidence of polio in the United States by nearly 90 per cent between 1950 and 1960.
While cases of the paralysing viral disease continued to flare up occasionally — Canada, for example, experienced 2,000 cases in 1959 alone — polio’s long-crippling grip on humanity was loosened. As of August 2020, five of the six regions of the World Health Organization, representing more than 90 per cent of the global population, are now free of the polio virus.
Similar public relations measures will help spread the use of the various COVID-19 vaccines once they’ve entered the market.
But if the offerings of celebrities to promote COVID-19 vaccine usage echo the history of humanity’s fight against polio, the creation of more than one COVID-19 vaccine appears nothing short of astonishing, even revolutionary.
Scientists are working across international and institutional borders in real-time with the help of super-computers and modern communication technologies previously unimaginable during the development of earlier vaccines. They also have harnessed the combined power of the public purse and private investment to produce what appear to be effective and safe vaccines, ready for use with all the necessary regulatory reviews and blessings.
As a number of experts have noted, the individual pieces that produced the vaccines already existed before COVID-19 and the previous two decades have seen the emergence of major vaccines against horrific diseases such as Ebola. The existentialist threat of COVID-19 merely served as a catalyst to combine all the gains of the previous two decades. Nobody knows what the new normal will look like, after the widespread introduction of at least two promising vaccines. But experts have already predicted that the medical technology behind the first two vaccines — Messenger RNA — will not only lead to other highly effective vaccines, but change the very model of vaccine development.
That, as Elvis would say, is something about which to be “all shook up.”

3. Energy

SPARC, a compact, high-field, DT-burning tokamak shown in this rendering, is currently under design by a team from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Commonwealth Fusion Systems. Its mission is to create and confine a plasma that produces net fusion energy. (Photo: T. Henderson, CFS/MIT-PSFC)
SPARC, a compact, high-field, DT-burning tokamak shown in this rendering, is currently under design by a team from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Commonwealth Fusion Systems. Its mission is to create and confine a plasma that produces net fusion energy. (Photo: T. Henderson, CFS/MIT-PSFC)

Cynics could conclude that nuclear fusion is the energy of the future and always will be. Ever since scientists started their research into nuclear fusion (as opposed to nuclear fission) shortly after the Second World War, the world’s first working fusion reactor has always appeared beyond the horizon. So we should treat any claims of a major breakthrough with caution, including recent ones in The New York Times, which described work on a compact nuclear fusion reactor called SPARC, developed by researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. If everything goes according to plan, a spinoff company could construct a working reactor by 2025, with actual electricity created by 2030. Projects are also under way in Australia, Germany and France, where an international consortium is working on the world’s largest nuclear fusion project.
But whether these projects actually reach the “long-elusive goal” of mimicking the way in which the sun produces energy by fusing rather than splitting lightweight atoms (usually hydrogen) within their stated project time frames, might actually be of secondary importance. Rather, they draw attention to the ambition driving developments in the field of nuclear fusion specifically, and energy generally.
As climate change creates an existentialist imperative for greenhouse-gas-neutral energy sources, and the financial world senses a commercial opportunity, recent years have revealed continuous improvements in battery technology for electric vehicles with American, Chinese and, increasingly, European companies vying for global leadership in the field.
Improvements in battery technology have, in turn, sparked a surge in the sales of electric cars, their sticker prices now approaching those of gas guzzlers.
Ultimately, industry experts predict that electric vehicles will end up costing less than the fossil-fuelled variety currently dominating streetscapes.
Hydrogen, meanwhile, is emerging as the leading alternative for fossil-fuel-powered ships, trains and planes, a development made possible by the declining cost of wind and solar energy.
The creation of hydrogen through electrolysis itself requires energy and the growing availability of solar and wind energy can further reduce the carbon-footprint of hydrogen.
It is this very promise of “green hydrogen” that underpins plans by the European Union to revive old plans to create a hydrogen superhighway between Europe and Africa. Under this plan, Europe would use the abundant sunshine of the Sahara to supplement its own green hydrogen supplies. Saudi Arabia, the very epitome of an oil-producing, oil-dependent economy, is also investing in green hydrogen.
The clock on bringing these technologies into application is ticking and not everything that glitters green now will pay off in the future. But the post fossil-fuel age is perhaps closer than it appears.

4. Quantum computing

Google’s Sycamore chip is composed of 54 qubits, technology that has led the internet giant to claim “quantum supremacy.“ (Photo: ERIC LUCERO)
Google’s Sycamore chip is composed of 54 qubits, technology that has led the internet giant to claim “quantum supremacy.“ (Photo: ERIC LUCERO)

Three minutes, 20 seconds. According to Google, that was the amount of time its embryonic quantum computer, called Sycamore, needed to complete a mathematical calculation traditional supercomputers could not complete in fewer than 10,000 years.
This led the internet giant to claim it had achieved what it called “quantum supremacy,” the state when a computer runs on the laws of quantum physics as opposed to classical computers running on classical (Newtonian) physics.
As Science explains it, traditional computers work by manipulating long, strong strings of bits that can be set to 0 or 1. “In contrast, a quantum computer employs quantum bits, or qubits, that can be 0 and 1 at the same time, the equivalent of you sitting at both ends of your couch at once.”
If this all sounds simple, it isn’t. Even experts struggle to explain the properties of quantum physics in ways that ordinary folks can understand.
“If we’re honest, everything we currently know about quantum mechanics can’t fully describe how a quantum computer works,” Alan Baratz, executive vice-president of research and development at D-Wave Systems, told The New York Times in December 2019, when the paper asked experts to describe the concept in 280 characters.
What perhaps matters more is the power of quantum processors to perform certain tasks “exponentially faster” than classical processors, as stated by the company in a paper published in Nature in October 2019.
Compared to the first airplane flight by the Wright Brothers, the event might lead to machines that significantly speed up the development of artificial intelligence, new drugs and policies designed to fight climate change by improving atmospheric modelling.
Quantum computing requires considerable engineering, as the fragile and volatile qubits require colder-than-outer-space refrigerators. In other words, do not expect to carry a quantum computer in your pocket any time soon. Practical uses may still be decades away and not every expert considers Google’s achievement as ground-breaking as advertised. But the potential is enormous.

5. Exploration of the solar system

Elon Musk is confident SpaceX will be able to land humans on Mars by 2026, maybe even 2024. Shown here is the launch of Falcon 9  in July 2014. (Photo: SPACEX)
Elon Musk is confident SpaceX will be able to land humans on Mars by 2026, maybe even 2024. Shown here is the launch of Falcon 9 in July 2014. (Photo: SPACEX)

The discovery of possible signs of organic life on Venus. The discovery of liquid water lakes beneath the surface of Mars, thereby expanding previous discoveries of water on that planet, which remains the object of scientific curiosity as the space agencies of the United States, China and United Arab Emirates used Mars’ relative proximity to Earth in the summer of 2020 to launch unmanned scientific missions. Ongoing refinements include the retrieval of samples from asteroids and, most recently, the Moon.
These were just some of the headline-making developments in the exploration of Earth’s solar system in 2020, with more events on the horizon.
Those include, among others, plans to collect and return Martian rock samples to Earth for analysis with the help of unmanned spacecraft. The discovery of a “weird” previously unknown molecule in the atmosphere of Saturn’s largest moon, Titan, in October 2020 will likely only pique the curiosity of scientists in the run-up to NASA’s 2027 unmanned mission to that planet. Multiple unmanned missions are also planned for Europa, Jupiter’s moon, (2022 by the European Space Agency, 2024 by NASA) and scientists are actively lobbying for a mission to Enceladus, another Saturn moon, as the search for life in our own solar system “with,” says NASA, “its stunning diversity of worlds” continues.
And yes, the United States wants to send humans back to the moon by 2024, with China pursuing the same goal, albeit with a less definitive timetable. Finally, entrepreneur Elon Musk appears eager to beat everyone to Mars, saying recently that he is “highly confident” about plans by his company, SpaceX, to land humans on Mars by 2026, maybe even by 2024.
Some of these projects pursue genuine scientific goals. Others come in packages that might say “science” on the outside, but pursue political goals in showing off the superiority of one political system over the other. The latter is likely the case in the lunar ambitions of the United States and China, its main terrestrial rival.
Whatever the reasons, however, these projects promise to spark significant advancements in the fields of engineering, but also in humanity’s understanding of its own place by confirming or revising prevailing theories about the emergence of the solar system and life on this planet.

6. Exoplanets
It is highly unlikely humans will ever set foot, never mind settle, on K2-315b, an Earth-sized exoplanet orbiting a dwarf star 186 light-years away. For one, its measured surface temperature of 350 C is just a touch too toasty for human habitation. That said, future earthly visitors to K2-315b would nonetheless have the opportunity to celebrate a new year every 3.14 Earth days. Scientists first discovered this “Pi” planet in 2017 with data from NASA’s Kepler Space Telescope, which during its almost 10-year-long mission in space that ended in 201

Planet Proxima Centuri b, shown here in an artist’s rendering, orbits the red dwarf star Proxima Centauri, the closest star to Earth’s solar system. (Photo: ESO/M. Kornmesser)
Planet Proxima Centuri b, shown here in an artist’s rendering, orbits the red dwarf star Proxima Centauri, the closest star to Earth’s solar system. (Photo: ESO/M. Kornmesser)

8, confirmed the existence of 2,662 exoplanets with several thousand more awaiting confirmation.
As such, K2-315b, with its eccentric nature, represents just a small sliver of the expanding universe of exoplanets. As of Nov. 19, 2020, scientists had confirmed 4,306 exoplanets, with thousands more awaiting confirmation.
These discoveries, starting more than two decades ago, have not only revolutionized scientific understanding in turning prevailing theories of planetary mechanics upside-down. They have also raised profound questions about humanity’s own origin, future and possibilities, as astronomer-cum-philosopher Benjamin Pope from New York University recently put it. “We ultimately want to understand our place in the cosmos: [Are] we alone or is there life elsewhere?”
The search for, and continuous discovery of, exoplanets has undeniably aided the search for an answer to this question. It has not only confirmed the existence of planets outside of our own solar system, but also fired up collective imaginations, while raising intriguing possibilities about humans living on distant worlds.
For example, the February 2017 landmark discovery of seven Earth-size planets orbiting the dwarf star called TRAPPIST-1, 40 light-years away, inspired artists to create an array of tourism-themed posters that conjured up some distant future, but also felt familiar, even comforting.
Yet none of these discoveries has been as significant as the one of Proxima Centuri b, the closest Earth-like exoplanet. Discovered in 2016, the mass of this planet is 1.27 times of Earth’s and it lies within the habitable zone of its star, Proxima Centauri, which just happens to be part of the Alpha Centauri system, the closest star system to our own, just 4.22 light-years away.
Human knowledge of Proxima Centuri b is evolving and its location relative to its parent star does not inevitably mean it is a suitable “escape hatch” for humanity. But its very existence (and that of other exoplanets) expands humanity’s possible frontiers. Few would have imagined it as few as two decades ago.

7. Gravitational waves

The northern arm of the LIGO interferometer on Hanford Reservation in Washington confirmed gravitational waves, pushing our understanding of the universe into a new sphere. (Photo: Umptanum)
The northern arm of the LIGO interferometer on Hanford Reservation in Washington confirmed gravitational waves, pushing our understanding of the universe into a new sphere. (Photo: Umptanum)

Massive events a long time ago sometimes leave behind small signals in the present that change everything in the future.
This equation perhaps describes the sequence of events that led to the historic discovery of gravitational waves, ripples in space time, on Sept. 14, 2015. About 1.3 billion years ago, two massive black holes, one the size of 29 suns, the other 36 times larger than the sun, finally merged after wobbling toward each other at speeds of 200,000 kilometres per second. The moment of merger lasted mere fractions of a second, but created a black hole 62 times larger than the sun, but three suns smaller than the sum of the two black holes. The missing mass shuddered across the universe in the form of gravitational waves that did not wash up on our planetary shores until that fateful day in September 2015 when the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO), a pair of instruments in Hanford, Washington, and Livingston, Louisiana, picked up displacements in the distance between our Sun and Earth — displacements no larger than the width of a hydrogen atom.
This minuscule discrepancy, however, was enough to confirm the existence of gravitational waves, which every object can create, true to the often-quoted aphorism that you can shake the universe by shaking your fist, with the proviso that existing instruments would never detect it. Only large catastrophic events leave behind measurable gravitational waves by virtue of the fact that gravity is the weakest of the four fundamental forces in the universe, the other three being electromagnetism, the strong (nuclear) force and the weak (nuclear) force. If it had not been for constant refinements by countless scientists and engineers working across decades and continents, the waves created by the aforementioned collision of black holes would have simply remained theory.
The confirmation of gravitational waves has since catapulted humanity’s understanding of the universe into a different sphere. While invisible to the naked eye, astrophysicists can now use them to “see” phenomena (such as black holes) previously hidden from scientific sight, and several recent discoveries have relied on the detection of gravitational waves.
The confirmation of gravitational waves also underscores the genius of Albert Einstein. He first predicted in 1916 that massive objects whirling in certain ways could create gravitational waves. As such, he built on his general theory of relativity that explains gravity as the warping of spacetime by mass or energy.
Twenty years later, Einstein recanted his own conclusion, only to stick with it at the last minute, after peer-review had poked holes in his math. In other words, he had it right the first time.

8. Discovery of Higgs-Boson particle

The discovery by British physicist Peter Higgs of the Higgs-Boson particle caused celebrations in the scientific community. (Photo: Bengt Nyman)
The discovery by British physicist Peter Higgs of the Higgs-Boson particle caused celebrations in the scientific community. (Photo: Bengt Nyman)

British physicist Peter Higgs, a self-described atheist, never cared for the popular term with which the media have described the particle bearing his name and said to explain the universe: the so-called “God” particle.
“Well, that was the bad joke of the author of a book who wanted to call his book, ‘That Goddamn Particle’ because it was going to be difficult to find,” he said in a 2013 television interview, one year after the discovery in April 2012.
Said author was fellow physicist Leon Lederman, who had pitched the initial title because it underscored the elusiveness of the particle. But pressure from publishers eventually led Lederman to accept the title of God Particle, a concession to commercial realities that has caused much consternation in the scientific community, because it actually confuses the public, while likely offending religious individuals.
Simply put, Higgs-Boson is a sub-atomic particle that helps to explain why matter has mass. It is, in the words of the New Scientist, the “fundamental unit, or quantum of the Higgs field, an all-pervading entity” through which all particles must pass. As Scientific American describes it, particles get their mass by interacting with the so-called Higgs field said to pervade space, just as swimmers get wet by moving through a pool.
More research remains and the Higgs-Boson may actually only be the first of a family of such particles that humans have discovered.
The discovery of the particle was, in many ways, a team effort. In 1964, Belgians François Englert and the late Robert Brout published a paper on the subject. Higgs followed a few weeks later with a comparable, but independent piece of work, which experts say went further than the Belgians’ paper.
A second trio of scientists, working at the same time as the other three — Carl Hagen, Gerald Guralnik and Tom Kibble — can also claim pioneer status in the field. But the work of Higgs and his colleagues remained theoretical until the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) operated by the Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire (CERN) in Geneva proved its existence.
This fundamental discovery caused celebrations in the scientific community. Even the unassuming Higgs allowed himself a moment of elation when he called it “an incredible thing that happened in my lifetime.”
The discovery made Higgs the instant favourite for the Nobel Prize in Physics, which he and Englert duly received in 2013. But Higgs (whom The New York Times described as the J.D. Salinger of physics) did not care much for the publicity surrounding his person and always made it a point to recognize Brout, whose death one year before confirmation of the particle made him ineligible for the Nobel Prize.
In fact, were it not for the rule that no more than three individuals can share a Nobel Prize, Hagen, Guralnik and Kibble could have also received the 2013 prize.

9. Women in politics

The response to the COVID-19 pandemic has drawn attention to differences in female and male leadership styles. Countries run by women, such as Taiwan's President Tsai Ing-wen, have fared better. (Photo: Wang Yu Ching )
The response to the COVID-19 pandemic has drawn attention to differences in female and male leadership styles. Countries run by women, such as Taiwan’s President Tsai Ing-wen, have fared better. (Photo: Wang Yu Ching )

First the bad news. At the current pace, it will take 94.5 years to close the political empowerment gap between women and men, as defined by the World Economic Forum in its 2020 Global Gender Gap Report (released in 2019.) While the overall average shows a gap of 31.4 per cent, the largest average disparity exists in the field of political empowerment, where the gap stands at 75.3 per cent and it is dismaying to report that the current rate of female participation in politics represents a “significant” increase from the last assessment in the report’s 2018 edition. According to the report, women held only 25 per cent of 35,127 legislative seats and held only 21 per cent of 3,343 ministerial portfolios. In some countries, women are not represented at all and 85 out of 153 countries covered in the report are still waiting for their first female head of state 50 years on.
While many experts have expressed concerns about the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on women, 2020 may also go down as a watershed year for female leadership, starting with the election of Kamala Harris as the first female vice-president of the United States, an historic development by any measure.
Equally influential figures during 2020 were Svyatlana Tsikhanouskaya, Maryya Kalesnikava and Veranika Tsapkala. Their role in the ongoing uprising against the autocratic rule of Belarussian President Aleksandr Lukashenko has led to claims that Belarus might be the site of the world’s first feminist revolution.
Iranian Nasrin Sotoudeh, meanwhile, has become a global figure in the fight for human rights, having already co-won the prestigious Sakharov Prize for freedom of thought in 2012 and the alternative Nobel Prize in 2020. Sentenced to 38 years in prison and 148 lashes in March 2019 for having defended women who defied the Iranian regime by refusing to wear their headscarves in public, Sotoudeh has not flinched in the face of injustice in serving as an inspiring beacon for others to withstand intimidation and oppression.
The response to the COVID-19 pandemic has also drawn attention to differences in female and male leadership styles. While it would be a mistake to make general statements, few have missed that countries led by blustering, rash male politicians (Boris Johnson, Donald Trump) have not fared so well. By contrast, countries led by women, such as New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen, Finnish Prime Minister Sanna Marin and, to a lesser degree, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, have had demonstrably more success in dealing with the crisis, even when accounting for other factors.
Europe’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 has also had a distinct female face, with EU president Ursula von der Leyen and Merkel on the political side and Christine Lagarde as president of the European Central Bank on the institutional side.
Women in Poland and Hungary, meanwhile, led the opposition to efforts by their governments to curtail rights, with COVID-19 serving as convenient pretext for those totalitarian temptations.
As such, these figures showed that women were on the front lines of response to the various effects of COVID-19. They may also well inspire others to step into the political arena so that women do not have to wait another century for true equality.

10. Artificial intelligence

Experts at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have argued that AI-powered robots, such as Kismet, pictured here, will not leave an army of unemployed workers. (Photo:  MIT Museum)
Experts at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have argued that AI-powered robots, such as Kismet, pictured here, will not leave an army of unemployed workers. (Photo: MIT Museum)

Let us first acknowledge the critics of artificial intelligence (AI) and their genuine concerns, starting with Israeli historian Yuval Noah Harari, who argues that artificial intelligence will help totalitarian leaders achieve levels of control that would have made the tyrants of the 20th Century envious. One does not need to look further than Communist China’s social credit system to see how non-democratic regimes can use AI to help monitor the moves, even the motives, of millions.
The eminent thinker, along with others, also warns of significant economic (and therefore political) upheaval as AI renders reams of jobs, even entire sectors, unnecessary. But this view must be balanced with the immense possible benefits of AI. They include the development of drugs with speeds previously unimaginable, enhanced medical diagnosis, safer streets and faster scientific research in every imaginable field.
Experts at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) have also countered predictions that AI-powered robots will leave an army of unemployed workers. Technological changes have always produced employment changes and the real challenge is not technological, but political, in reforming existing employment and educational systems to maximize the advantages of AI.
In fact, AI can help humans to create a “new, equitable social contract” in sparking nothing less than a 21st-Century version of the Renaissance that propelled Europe into modernity, as Kai-Fu Lee, one of the world’s leading authorities on AI and author of AI Superpowers: China, Silicon Valley and the New World Order recently argued in The New York Times. “With machines taking over many duties and tasks in the new economy, AI will inject flexibility into traditional working patterns, allowing us to rethink what work-life balance should look like and transforming both the weekday routine and retirement thresholds,” he writes. “With more freedom and time in such a new social contract, people will be liberated to follow their passions, creativity and talents, and to let that personal exploration inform their careers as never before.”
Such a future may sound overly optimistic, but why not try for it?

Wolfgang Depner lives and writes in Greater Victoria, where he teaches at Royal Roads University. He has previously taught political theory, international relations and Canadian politics at the University of British Columbia, Okanagan Campus.